Mobile Application Testing

During the recent years, there has been a phenomenal growth in the use of the mobile devices and PDA’s. This growth has helped organizations in opening up possibilities of integrating the mobile devices into their mainstream computing environments. All the enterprise application developers want to port their applications to mobile devices for the obvious reasons. However, unlike the PC-based environment, the mobile environment comprises a plethora of devices with diverse hardware and software configurations and communication intricacies.
Although the mobile devices have limited computing resources as compared to their PC counterparts, the mobile applications are developed to be as agile and reliable as compared to the PC based applications. Not to mention, the challenges in testing the mobile applications increases manifold.
Before certifying the mobile applications, the testing strategies are planned across manual and automation testing approaches for efficient and error-free delivery. Along with the actual mobile devices, emulators are also included as an integral part of the testing program.
Following are the different types of testing involved while testing a mobile environment:

  • Functionality Testing
  • Usability Testing
  • Network Connection Testing
  • Installation Testing
  • Performance Testing
  • Stress Testing